The Lord’s work from the ancient times to this present era shows that God uses teams of workers for the accomplishment of His purpose. By the grace of God, I prayed and studied the Bible several times to gain a deeper understanding of God’s work, and even now, I am still striving to receive more light on this subject. However, in my diligent study of the scriptures, I have never come across any instance when God used an individual to thoroughly accomplish His work and this individual did not have anyone who stood with him. Behold, if there is any such instance, then it is rare and I have not yet seen it. Someone will talk about Philip, the evangelist. Well! Philip indeed went to Samaria alone; even so, he could not thoroughly execute the Lord’s purpose in that city alone. He needed the service of other workers for the fulfilment of that task (Acts 8:4 to 8, 14).
In every move of God throughout the ages, God gets a key worker or some key workers (depending on what He wants to accomplish) and attaches a few other workers to them to stand with them and work with them for the fulfilment of His purpose. Sometimes, God would bring these workers to the key workers even before their period of preparation for service is completed. Other times, the Lord will send out the key workers alone into the field (not having a team immediately) to start the work and later bring the other workers to them when the task given has been started. Moreover, while the work is progressing, the Lord will continue to gather workers around them to work with them for the accomplishment of His purpose.
When God wanted to eliminate wickedness on the earth and raise a God-fearing generation (Genesis 6:1 to 7), He got Noah and attached his wife and children to him for the work (Genesis 6:7 to 9; 7:1). In the era of Abraham, when God wanted a nation for Himself, He laid hold of Abraham and made Sarah, his wife, his teammate (Genesis 12:5). Then during the Israelites slavery in Egypt, God got Moses and added his brother Aaron (Exodus 4:14 to 16), Joshua (Exodus 24:13), and the elders of the tribes of Israel (Numbers 11:16 to 17) to him as his team. Again, when He found Samuel for His work, He gave Him a group of prophets to be his teammates (First Samuel 10:5). King David, the Lord surrounded with four hundred mighty men who worked with him redeem the kingdom from the hands of the Philistines (First Samuel 22:1 to 2; First Chronicles 11:10 to 47).
Moving on to the transitional period, the Lord got hold of John the Baptist for His move and gave him disciples who would work with him (Luke 7:18). During the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ on the earth, He appointed twelve apostles who had worked with Him (Matthew 10:1 to 4), and seventy other disciples whom He sent into every city and place where He was about to go (Luke 10:1). In this era that the Lord is building His church and preparing His bride, He is still using teams to accomplish His purpose. Therefore, when He got hold of Paul, He gave him a team. Likewise, He did to Peter and many other workers of old, and so, He is doing now.