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Become a distributor of God’s Power Gospel Books Free Booklets and help a soul grow into the stature of Christ!

Become a distributor of God’s Power Gospel Books Free Tracts and win a soul for Christ!

Let's Reap the World for Christ!

Join Us In Helping People Find Intimacy With God!

"How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?... So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" Romans 10:14, 17.

In the procedure of obtaining genuine salvation, one must first hear the gospel and believe in the Lord for his salvation. Salvation comes from hearing and believing in the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Moreover, after a person is converted a Christian, he must receive the rich word of God that can establish him and build him up in the faith. The word is undeniably the anchor that holds believers faith and keeps them safe in the frightening storm of challenges. As part of our mission of helping people find intimacy with God and grow into the stature of the fullness of Christ, God’s Power Gospel Books Printing Service is committed to producing free gospel materials for reaching out to masses for both their salvation and their establishment in the faith.

God’s Power Gospel Books Free Booklets and Tracts provides clear guidance for obtaining genuine salvation, a deep understanding of God’s redemptive work for man, and awareness of the necessity of spending enough time with the Lord for one’s spiritual maturity. These booklets are designed to be distributed in schools, workplaces, youth camps, social gatherings, etc. and provision is made for the distributor’s details at the back of the booklets.

God’s Power Gospel Books Booklets and Tracts are absolutely free. The only cost involved is the delivery of the materials to the distributor’s preferred location. Become a distributor today and win a soul for Christ.

Becoming a Distributor

To distribute God’s Power Gospel Books Free Booklets and Tracts, you must be above 20 year of age and be a practising Christian. You are also required to read at least three of our publications and thoroughly digest the free booklet/tract you desire to distribute. Finally, you must be a subscriber for at least two months and be able to bear responsibility of all the fees involved in the delivery of the materials to your preferred location.

You are ready to become a distributor and make your first request for our rich gospel materials upon meeting the above requirements. You will have to log into your account and submit a form every time you want to make a request for gospel materials. We will review your submission and reach out to you as early as possible. Every request approved will go through a period of one month to be ready for delivery. In any case that your request is disapproved, please exercise patience as a good worker of the Lord and try again. If your request is turned down upon multiple attempts, please contact our support team for assistance.
The issues that will result in such occurrences are:
1. When you fail to thoroughly read your desired booklet/tract before your submission.
2. When your subscription is less than two months.
3. When your location is beyond our reach.

NOTICE: The first set of God’s Power Gospel Books Free Booklets/Tracts will be available in September for distribution.

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