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Reading the Bible – Sylvanus Godspower
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a. Reading the Scripture Thoroughly

   “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. ,” Second Timothy 3:16 to 17 (KJV).          

   The word, “All Scripture” denotes all the Books of the Bible – starting from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation. On the one hand, all the Books of the Bible are given by God. In other words, they were written under the influence of the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, every word in the Bible is profitable, helpful, and worthy of our compliance hence none should be underestimated. Fellow brethren, we deserve to read the Bible thoroughly as it is the written word given to us by the Lord. We must read it verse by verse, Chapter by Chapter, and Book by Book. We need to read both the Old and the New Testaments thoroughly over and over again. Behold, we must persevere in this, for by so doing, we shall discover a lot of truth for ourselves and build ourselves up in the Christian faith. 

b. Carrying Out a Detailed Study on the Subject Matters of the Bible

   Knowing this, my beloveds, that we ought to read the Bible thoroughly over and over again, we must not be ignorant of how essential it is to make a detailed study on the subject matters of the Bible. Putting these two things into practise is a demand from us as serious Christians. The first is reading the Bible generally, and the other is studying the subject matters of the Bible. May the Lord help us to put these two necessities into practise!    

   Among our daily spiritual activities, we should schedule time for studying some of the subject matters of the Bible. Studying is the act of making a determined effort to carry out extensive research into a particular topic. It also means considering something carefully to understand it more clearly. Studying the subject matters of the Bible has a lot to do with research which in this context means finding out and gathering information, and meditating which is critical thinking, in other words, thinking more deeply.

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