Prayer is Needed for Effective Ministration – Sylvanus Godspower

The Lord has given each member of His body spiritual gifts according to his ability. All the members of the body of Christ are responsible and serving ones. We are what we are by what the Lord has entrusted to us. Despite the differences in our spiritual abilities, we will all be effective through recharging and renewing them by prayer.
Prayer is the key to spiritual effectiveness. The more time we spend with the Lord, the livelier we become in our various ministries. It is required from all believers to give their entire lives to constant and effective prayer. The more we pray, the more we will be filled with the Holy Spirit. Our fullness will increase the effectiveness of our ministration. In this book, Sylvanus Godspower elaborated on the prayer ministry of the apostles, the prayer ministry of prophets, the prayer ministry of miracle workers and healers, and the prayer ministry of pastors and Bible teachers.
Are you ready to rejuvenate your prayer life? This book offers practical lessons that will revive you and increase your spiritual effectivenesss.