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Prayer is Needed for Effective Ministration – Sylvanus Godspower
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   “… Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more” (Luke 12:48 ESV).

   It is a fact that the Lord Jesus Christ has entrusted His property to all the members of His body, which is the church. Some He gave more and others He gave few; each according to his ability. All the members of the Church are responsible and serving ones.

   The more the Lord has entrusted to you, the higher your responsibility. The Bible clearly unveils what the Lord has given to us. Our Lord Jesus gave talents to all the members of the Church (Matthew 25:15). Talents refer to the spiritual gifts (spiritual abilities). We are what we are as a result of what the Lord has entrusted to us.


   Apostle Paul said, “so God has appointed and placed in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then those who work miracles, then those with the gifts of healing, the helpers, the administrators, and speakers in various kinds of tongues“ (First Corinthian 12:28 AMP). Apostles are those sent and equipped by the Lord to preach the gospel for the salvation of souls, to establish churches, and to perfect the saints universally. Prophets are God’s spokespersons who speak forth God and for God by the revelations inspired by God; they also predict the future. Teachers are those who explain and illuminate the biblical truths. Jesus Christ anointed some among the believers to work miracles purposely to turn unbelievers to Himself. Administrators refer to elders or pastors or bishops who are there for governing the Church.  Helpers refer to the deacons, and the deaconesses.

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